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Glory Pacific Shipping
The Group maintains a ten vessel owned fleet of up-to-date Japanese built tween deck vessels that are meticulously maintained to the highest standards. Vessel size range between 8,500 to 12,000 DWT and are each appropriately geared to handle most general cargo needs. All our vessels are classed with ClassNK and belong to Britannia and Gard P&I clubs. In addition, our fleet is supplemented by other Japanese built tween deck vessels on period charter.
本集團十艘自有日本造雙層甲板雜貨船,皆以最高標準維護保養。船舶載重噸介8,500 至12,000DWT之間,配備適當的設備能滿足大多數雜貨之裝卸需求。所有船舶的船級皆為日本海事協會,船東互保責任則由Britannia 與 Gard 兩家協會承保。除了自有船舶以外,本集團也以期租方式加強服務船隊。
Fleet Overview 船隊概況
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